We have a bunch of exciting events this month, I hope to see you soon!
- August 3: SXSW Registration Opens! Health & MedTech is growing even more at SXSW Interactive including the SX Health & MedTech Expo March 12 and 13 2016 http://www.sxsw.com/sx-
health-medtech-expo Get your badges now: http://www.sxsw.com/news/ 2015/sxsw-2016-open-business - August 10: Community voting for SXSW PanelPicker begins: http://www.sxsw.com/
interactive/conference/ panelpicker - August 13: Texas Medical Device Alliance Monthly meeting 2-4pm at Norris Conference Center https://www.eventbrite.
com/e/tmda-quarterly-meeting- tickets-17673721577 - August 18: ATI SEAL Demo Day/AustinHealthTech Investor Series 6-8pm https://plus.google.com/
events/ cibt703gpm68u5gji1ugsubs32s - August 19: Women@Austin event on investing strategies http://www.
eventbrite.com/e/august-19th- womenaustin-event-tickets- 17882586297 - August 27: AustinHealthTech Investor Series WeWork Austin 5:45pm RSVP here http://t.co/jXl9BcKjGc
and apply to pitch here http://austinhealthtech.com/ community/investor-series- company-application/ - August 28: Deadline to apply to UnLtd USA’s third cohort http://www.unltdusa.org/apply/
- August 30: Your Best Self Forward with Lily HIlls and Adrian Ionescu. They will be providing strategies and tools to identify the patterns that are getting in your way and learn how to powerfully move through them.
- September 8: Austin HIMSS Lunch and Learn
- September 14: Culture Hacking with Robert Richman, the original Culture Strategist at Zappos. This is a unique opportunity to access his incredible knowledge and expertise in a small-group setting. (Only 50 seats available.)
- September 17: RAPS Texas Chapter Networking Reception http://www.raps.org/